A sketchbook for boundless creativity.


A sketchbook for boundless creativity

Independent Project / 6 Weeks

My Role:  Product Design / Physical Prototyping / Research
Toolkit:  Craft Kit / Sketch / Keynote



For centuries we’ve accepted the page-by-page books as the standard tool for documenting sketched and written thoughts. Few stationery brands have offered truly innovative product solutions that challenge this status quo


Instead of making incremental improvements in quality and aesthetics, what if we fundamentally change the structure of sketchbooks and help people recognize a new way to document ideas?


Inspired by Chinese Buddhist manuscripts and Japanese Orihon, LUNABOOK is an accordion-style sketchbook that provides the avenue for unbounded imagination and creativity





A sketchbook that reinvents the way we create

The traditional left-to-right, page-by-page print format is optimized for the best reading experience of linear information. But for sketching and processing nonlinear information, it’s a different story. 

By expanding the horizontal boundaries of pages, LUNABOOK helps users think, sketch and write freely and discover the joy of uninterrupted “flow.”


Product Specifications

LUNABOOK specification.png

Product Styles

Product Styles.png

Product Features


Magnetic Binder

The magnetic binder allows for a quick expansion and collapse of pages

Lays Flat

Once expanded, the ‘canvas’ page can have up to 45 times the original writing space (5.0” x 7.0”) while laying completely flat


LUNABOOK can be used on both sides. The magnetic spine can be opened to access the reverse

Elastic Straps

The elastic straps on each side of the cover ensure pages stay securely collapsed when not in use



How should I use LUNABOOK?

LUNABOOK is designed for all types of creative thinkers and makers. 




Experience Maker


Visual Learner


World Builder

World Builder.png

Product benefits

More space for more content

LUNABOOK’s accordion format provides expanded space for sketches, flows, and writings. You no longer need to format and adjust the content to fit within the page margins. 


Product benefits

Easy review and collaboration

LUNABOOK’s can help you see the “bigger picture” more quickly and clearly. The expanded page allows users to lay out and review all the sketches and content they created so far on a single surface, like a desktop or a wall. This also creates an unique opportunity for group collaboration.


Product benefits

Easy review and collaboration

LUNABOOK’s can help you see the “bigger picture” more quickly and clearly. The expanded page allows users to layout and review all the sketches and content they created so far on a single surface, like a desktop or a wall. This feature also creates a unique opportunity for group collaboration.




What’s coming next for LUNABOOK?

I conceived and created LUNABOOK as a passion project and wasn’t planning to turn it into a business idea. However, having received positive feedback on the prototype from several designer friends, I am now encouraged to look into ways of making LUNABOOK a reality, including launching it on Kickstarter and seeking investors.


If you have any thoughts and feedback on LUNABOOK’s design, benefits or commercial viability, or want to request a prototype, feel free to reach out to me. Thanks!


An Independent Project